Allen Rueter's
Online resume/CV
Currently Director of Computing Technology Services,
where we support Linux, Solaris, Tru64, and Window systems, use
HP, Cisco network gear at the
School of Engineering and Applied Science at Washington
University. In the spring I teach a course in Systems Administration.
Programming is now in sh/bash, csh, gawk, perl, procmail.
Work web page
1980-1997 Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology,
Washington University School of Medicine where I started work as
programer II and worked my way up to Sr. Systems Analysts,
for Rex L Hill and Dr. R Gilbert Jost, both wonderful bosses.
Worked on RSTS/E & OpenVMS systems, did radiology
applications in DEC Basic mostly (even threads), did instrument
interfaces with IEEE-488, and HL-7 interfaces over TCP/IP, SNA/LU6.2,
and DECnet. rewrote HL7ImEx to HL7ImExa, built a C++ interface for
1978-1980 Department of Earth & Planetary Science,
worked on a data gathering system in Forth on a DG-Nova for Dr. William
Had fun time working with Lasers, with the future Dr. Susan L Bragg
1977-1978 Central Institute for the Deaf, worked on debugging a custom
disk controller on a Data General Nova and Eclipse systems, Fortran,
RDOS, Nova/Eclipse Assembler, and hearing aid modeling.
1973-1977 Washington University, BS-CS, learned PL/1, some 360 ASM,
Algol, COBOL, PDP-8 Assembler.
Part time jobs:Dark room Tech, Consultant at Computer Center,
1972 1st Computer course at Purdue NW, GOTRAN, IBM 1620
1967-1973 Horace Mann