Arkansas and Missouri Equipment
Spring 1998
Spring 2000 notes
Modeling notes
- T-6 HO Brass Alco Models, The Car Works
- RS1 HO MDC? N Atlas?
- RS-32 HO Brass ? fuel tank wrong. HO Atlas announced
- C-420 HO Atlas, Metal Tiger Valley, Brass ?, Plastic MDC others, N Yes?
- C-630M HO Metal Tiger Valley
Passenger Cars
102 Combination Passenger & baggge
104 Coach
105 Coach
106 Coach
110-112 Flat cars - MOW F/W
120 Covered Hopper - Locomotive Sand
130 Baggage car MOW storage
150 Crane - MOW
160 Gondola - MoW RB 70 ton
171-175 Ballast cars RB 100 ton AM175
180-189 Ballast cars 100 ton
190-191 Air dump RB 70 ton
Freight Cars
300-303 O.T. Hopper, RB coal bay 100 ton h350 AM302
310-349 O.T. Hopper, RB (K340 coal bay) 100 ton
400-429 O.T. Hopper, RB (k380) 90 ton AM425
450-487 O.T. Hopper, RB 100 ton-holds only 80 ton AM452
AM482a AM482b
AM482bb AM482bx
AM 487
500-572 Boxcar 52' 70 ton AM561
600-645 Gondolas 52' 100 ton 2500 cu ft capacity
700-719 Gondolas 52' 100 ton 2743 cu ft capacity
750-799 Gondolas 52'6" 100 ton 2743 cu fu capacity
800-823 Gondolas 65' 100 ton 3200 cu ft capacity AM806
850-856 Gondolas 65' 100 ton 3200 cu ft capacity
900-968 Gondolas 52' 100 ton 3000 cu ft capacity AM951
1000 Boxcar 85' 100 ton
1001-1005 Boxcars 86' 70 ton (ex GT)
1050-1087 Boxcars 60' 100 ton Steel floor, 1068-70 HiCube AM
1100-1152 Flat car 52'8" 70 ton wood loading AM1108
1160-1174 Flat car 57' 70 ton wood loading AM1163
1200-1208 Tank cars CO2 100 ton AM1202
AM1204 AM1206
1300-1304 Center Beam car 100 ton AM1304
1400-1439 Refrig. box car 70 ton AM1407
AM 1414 AM
1420 AM 1420 AM
1436ex CR/EL per MFCL/Paul Bishop
1500-1552 box cars 50' 70 ton wood floor AM1502
1600-1616 gondolas 52' 100 ton 2244 cu ft capacity
1650-1654 gondolas 52' 100 ton 1995 cu ft capacity
1700-1707 Box cars 60' 100 ton HiCube
1800-1823 box cars 60' 100 ton rbl (no load dividers 1801,1803,1804,1808,
1810,1811,1813,1815,1818,1822), (HiCube 1808-1810) AM
1900 box car 50' 70 ton
2000-2053 box cars 50' 70 ton sliding sill, dbl door AM2005
2100 box car 50' 100 ton d door
2200 flat car 48' 70 ton steel floor eoc
2500-2507 box cars 50' 70 ton steel floor eoc
2510-2532 box cars 50' 70 ton rbl w/bulkhead AM
2600 steel gondola 100 ton 52' AM2600
99036-99053 rapid discharge hoppers - sand
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